Monday, June 15, 2009

Red Stain

Remember that new suit I said I was not going to buy to wear at the Southern Baptist Convention? It fits me real well. Ruth is pleased.

Speaking of Ruth, yesterday I spilled a big bowl of macaroni and tomatoes covered with salsa on our living room carpet. Ruth saw it happen and immediately sprang into action. We cleaned, scrubbed, sprayed Resolve, and prayed for a miracle. Red soaks into beige real bad.

When we were all done, Ruth kindly said, “Don’t worry, Honey. Every time I look at it I’ll think of you and remember how much I love you.” I thought, “Half true.” I hoped Resolve would do its magic, but this morning as I was walking and doing private time, I saw a red circle on the carpet. I was crushed. I remembered Ruth’s quote. By mid-morning I should know whether or not she really meant it.

My new computer comes today. Sad. Sad. Nevertheless, I am determined to try to keep pace with technological advances. My goal is to always be no more than 10 years behind where technology currently is.