Saturday, February 21, 2009

Alabama, Stop Praying

Snow again??! What’s the deal? This morning we awoke to another surprise blanket of snow on the ground. Conspirators lurk among us. Alabamans have moved among us and during the night they pray for snow to fall because they haven’t seen it much and think it is pretty. Cut it out! Enough snow already.

Last night Caleb and I watched a couple of episodes about Lincoln on the History Channel. This month marks the two hundredth anniversary of Lincoln’s birth. I need to dust off my notes and preach another sermon or two based on Lincoln.

Tomorrow I preach on prayer. The Canaanite woman’s faith was great. We learn from her. Pray for me today as I familiarize myself fully with my manuscript.

Final bio thoughts on Millie. When she escaped her Marshfield home, she often went across the street to the grocery store. On her first visit there, she went in, walked straight to the Deli, and sat down, as if waiting to order. The workers bribed her out of the store by offering her meat. Pretty smart. A free meal.