Sunday, February 22, 2009

Nathan Addy Williams

Happy Real Birthday, President Washington.

Last night the two TV commercials Second had done for August 24 won Addy Awards. Our contract is with ADSmith, a local advertising firm. My son-in-law, Nathan Williams, works for them. The ads for Second were assigned to him (surprise!). Overall, Nathan won 10 Addy Awards last night. That makes 22 in 3 years. He has earned Addy Awards for video work, graphic design, and web design. Can you tell I’m proud of him? Way to go, Nathan.

Richard Harman, who researches and supplies the lion’s share of the humor I use on this blog, is in Cox South Hospital with pneumonia. Agent Orange in Viet Nam left its mark on him. Get well, Richard. Cyberspace misses you. I do too, friend.

Humor helps. Parental notes. Excuse Betsy’s absence; she was sick and I had her shot. Joseph has been absent because he had two teeth taken off his face. My son is under doctor’s care and should not take fisical education; please execute him. Ralph was absent from school because he had very loose vowels.