Monday, February 9, 2009

First Baptist Arnold

It’s good to be home. I missed being at Second yesterday, but did enjoy preaching for my good friends, Kenny Qualls and Gerald Davidson, at First Baptist Arnold. It was Rebekah’s birthday weekend. We made it a family outing in St. Louis. On Saturday night, we all ate supper at Mom and Dad’s. My brother and my sister’s family came. Sunday at noon, we all ate at my cousin Paul Hill’s house. He is a deacon at FBCA. Kenny and Gerald also came for lunch. It was a good weekend.

As you would expect, I have Grandpa stories to share. Ian kept singing “Rudolph the red-nosed Santa.” He said something Ruth and I did not hear. When we asked him to repeat it, he told us we needed to take medicine to help our hearing.

Ian kept asking, “Are we here yet?” Not there, but here. At one point I asked if he was okay. He said, “I’m hot because I want to get out and see if we are here.”

Humor helps. Since I have become known as a dog expert, my sister felt compelled to tell me about an English bulldog she recently baby-sat (or dog-sat?). This dog would waddle up to her and throw his paw in the air to give her a high five. I was impressed until I learned the dog cost $5000. For that kind of money it ought to be able to cook, sing and dance, do dishes, carry out the laundry, etc.