Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Millie Bit Ruth

I was in Jefferson City the last two days for the Executive Board Meeting of the Missouri Baptist Convention. I’m appreciating the state convention more. There are at the Baptist Building a lot of dedicated people doing a good job serving our Lord. Dr. Tolliver is to be commended for his effective leadership of them.

One major highlight of the meeting was Dr. Kenison’s Missouri Baptist Children’s Home report. The Home will have over 700 children in its facilities to provide Christmas presents for. Dr. Kenison said Missouri Baptists have always been abundantly generous in meeting the Christmas needs of the children under the watch care of the Home. Hurray. Way to go, Missouri Baptists.

Millie bit Ruth. It was an accident. Ruth decided to give Jake and Millie left over ham. They enjoyed the first bite so much that they went berserk, jumping, barking, yelping, lunging at Ruth’s hand to get more ham. Millie got too close. No damage, though. No broken skin. Just two deliriously happy dogs and one very happy wife, glad she could bring Christmas cheer to Jake and Millie. Huh?