Sunday, December 21, 2008

Music Music Music

Christmas music will fill the air today at Second. We have three identical services this morning (8:00, 9:30, 11:00) in which we will celebrate the birth of God. I have been allotted ten minutes to preach in each service. I can’t promise absolute compliance with this limit, but I will be close. Merry Christmas.

In the past decade, one of my biggest sports disappointments has been my beloved Dallas Cowboys. It seems they are once again fading at the end of the season. My regard for the Cowboys goes all the way back to Tom Landry, Roger Staubach, Tony Dorsett, etc.

My mother-in-law got me hooked on the Cowboys. Tom Landry reminded her of her dad. She became fascinated with Staubach. She mispronounced his last name. She called him Starbuck. He was always a super-hero to her. After he retired, whenever the Cowboys didn’t do well, she would repeat the same line over and over, “They need Starbuck back.”

One of my prize possessions is the Dallas Cowboys garbage can she bequeathed me. It sits proudly next to my study desk at home. When I look at it, I think of Mrs. Huey, and of Dallas Cowboys glory days gone by. They need Starbuck back.