Thursday, March 26, 2009

Scalped Scalp

After two days of rest, I and my scalped scalp are back at work. Ruth took one look at my hair this morning and laughed out loud. She could barely contain her giggling as she re-combed it for me.

I am blogging at record speed this morning. In about 33 minutes our internet server is going down for repairs and updates. That means we will be incommunicado here at church for much of the day.

This power outage is not good for me. As you know, my name is John, and I am addicted to communicating. No internet, no blog, no email, no computer–I feel sweat popping out on my brow. My hands are clammy. My knees are weak. I can’t seem to stand on my own two feet. I’m all shook up. Sorry, Elvis.

Humor helps. Thoughts on being 57. If you’re only as old as you feel, how can I be alive at 150? They seem to be making adults much younger these days. I’m a walking storeroom of facts; I’ve just lost the key to the storeroom. I am still the life of the party; even if lasts till 8 p.m. I’ve become very good at opening childproof caps with a hammer.