Friday, March 20, 2009

Wed 38 Years

Ruth and I wed 38 years ago today. Our marriage truly is as good in private as it appears to be in public. We feel we were made for each other. I love her. I often tell her, “Ruth, I love you more today than I did yesterday, and yesterday was a record day.”

Yesterday afternoon Caleb started out the back door. I asked where he was going. “To bathe the dogs,” was his reply. Did he say to “bathe the dogs”? Do dogs get bathed? Doesn’t rainfall take care of that need? A few minutes later I saw Jake and Millie sunning themselves. They looked like shabby, mangy mutts that had accidentally stuck their paws in an electrical outlet. Oh well, at least we know that now they are clean Millie won’t return to her favorite resting spot in the dirt beneath the trampoline, and Jake won’t shed any more. Did I mention they have begun to shed hair again? Good grief.

Humor helps. Definitions. Coffee: the person upon whom one coughs. Flabbergasted: appalled by discovering how much weight one has gained. Intaxication: euphoria at getting a tax refund, which lasts until you realize it was your money to start with. Unanswerable: if Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?