Monday, January 19, 2009

$6 million per minute

My fire bucket and I are back from Arkansas. Wow! FBC Alma AR is one excited church when it comes to missions. They were on fire, I was ablaze, the mix was absolutely combustible. I love preaching about missions.

Super Bowl ads are selling for $3 million per 30-second spot. Despite the current recession, 90% of the available slots have sold. For $3 million, I would consider letting someone do a 30-second commercial in the middle of one of my sermons. Just kidding (I think).

My three-year-old grandson Ian has become quite the theologian of late. While watching Tom and Jerry, Ian said, “Tom is not obeying God because he’s a bad cat.” Later, Ian observed, “Well, Tom is obeying God because he’s happy.” Profound.

Humor helps. Actual pilot/mechanic interchanges. Pilot: Left inside main tire almost needs replacement. Mechanic: Almost replaced left inside main tire. Pilot: Something loose in cockpit. Mechanic: Something tightened in cockpit. Pilot: Dead bugs on windshield. Mechanic: Live bugs on back-order.