Saturday, January 10, 2009

Last Night's Collage

The grandchildren were wonderful last night. A montage. Caleb, age 12, focused on his cello and the laptop. Sam, age 9, focused on his DVDs and Granny Smith apples. Ian, age 3, focused on his Super Hero toys and cookies Caleb baked. Lilly Ruth, age 1, focused on what the older boys were doing and trying to imitate them. Ruth focused on the children, and every once in a while saying to me, “We are blessed, Grandpa.” I agree.

The new expensive door has been installed. The gate to keep Jake and Millie at a distance is in place. Even Caleb is impressed with Ruth’s resolve thus far.

I’ll be editing sermons much of today, including the one I’m preparing for the Southern Baptist Convention coming up this June in Louisville. Pray for me.

Humor helps. Attainable New Years Resolutions. I will use my intuition to make up for my lack of judgment. I will celebrate my personality flaws, for without them I would have no personality at all. I will not be as judgmental as all those self-righteous people I hear about. I will be willing to make mistakes; someone else will learn from them.