Friday, January 9, 2009

Tebow Won

Florida rules the roost. Their quarterback, Tebow, took charge, according to the news reports. When I went to bed at halftime, the score was tied. Tebow seems to have an outstanding Christian witness. He’s not only a football champion, but also a champion for Jesus. May his tribe increase.

I’m still wrestling with Sunday morning’s sermon. I will continue my discussion of how intertwined missions and prayer are. Media and powerpoint deadlines are breathing down my neck. Pray.

Ruth and I are babysitting all the grandchildren tonight. Life is good. The new expensive door will be installed today. We’ll see if compassionate, gentle, loving, softhearted Ruth will actually be able to put up a gate to keep the dogs away.

Humor helps. I should buy dog toys to comfort Jake and Millie in their being fenced out. Hide N Seek Toys increase dog intelligence for only $13. This might help when they have to take the SAT. Terry Toys are plush and lovable ($5). The dogs could use the love right now. Eco Ally Toys are environmentally helpful ($3). When I survey what Jake and Millie do to my backyard, the last thing I think of is environmentally helpful. Wait a minute!! It is all natural, come to think of it.