Sunday, January 4, 2009

Good Yet Bad

I weigh 212.6 today. I gained only 2.6 pounds over the holidays. Considering the national average is about 6 pounds, I did good. I did bad, though, when I remember I’m trying to move toward 200, not 300. By the way, my son has passed me in the race. He’s down to 210.2. Depressing for me. Exciting for him.

I think we are ready for church. I’ve already been out in the auditorium going over last minute details with Randy Moore, Robert Pitts, and Ashleigh Kalwat. Our media and music departments, as always, are ready to go. We couldn’t have church without them. I’m ready to preach. I have a sermon burning in my soul that wants out.

Humor helps. Stunning news. Hard to believe. You can buy for your dogs a nutritional supplement containing yucca extract that eliminates the bad effects pet waste has on your lawn. One hundred pills costs only $12. This sounds too good to be true. Let me make sure I understand. If Jake and Millie eat yucca, my yard will be less yucky. If this is true, it is an invention second only to Edison’s lightbulb in importance.