Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A Goliath Day

We spent yesterday morning at urgent care with Caleb. He passed a kidney stone. I don’t remember ever seeing anyone in that much agony. A grandpa’s heart was not made for moments like this. Even last night I was still trying to recoup emotionally. Like Goliath, my day was dominated by a stone.

John burned his hand taking oats out of the microwave. He started hopping and singing Elvis, “Hunka hunka hunka burning oats!!” No kidding. It happened.

One of our church moms was trying to change her baby’s diaper. She said, “Is it possible for me to change your diaper without you throwing a fit?” Three-year-old brother immediately quipped, “Anything is possible with God.” Hurray. Sunday School teachers, you are getting through. Keep it up.

Humor helps. What can non-coffee drinkers do with coffee filters? Cover bowls or dishes when cooking in the microwave. Clean windows; the filters are lint-free and leave glass sparkling. A coffee filter in a cast-iron skillet absorbs moisture and prevents rust. Put at the bottom of a plant pot, they keep soil from leaking out.