Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Oats the Albatross

John is having trouble with his oats regimen. This morning I could tell he was not doing well. His cheeks were puffed out, he was chewing hard. He saw me staring at him and said, “If I use a bigger spoon I can take fewer bites. It’s a mind game I play with myself.” I fear oats will soon go the way of the albatross.

We had all the family over last night for supper and to play Rock Band. What a hoot. The noise level is awful, but the fun is wild and hilarious. Ian calls his new refrigerator a frigulator. While rock music wafted through our house last night, he sang into a microphone with all his might, “Home the herald angels sing!!” He bows perfectly when we applaud. Oh what a ham. Where does he get that from?

It’s Wednesday. That means I have two days of work waiting for me on my desk. I haven’t looked at the heap yet. It’s too depressing.

Humor helps. Obtainable New Years Resolutions. In 2009 I will let my imagination soar into ever higher levels of paranoia. I will assume responsibility for my actions, except for those that are someone else’s fault. I will encourage myself by remembering, what I do would be considered normal in some cultures.