Monday, January 12, 2009

Cold Winds

We decorated Jana’s grave yesterday. Winds were too strong and cold for us to stay long. God continues to undergird us every day. Thank you for your prayers.

John had trouble with his oats this morning. He kept chewing. Finally, after he swallowed, he said, “Now I know why horses chew all the time.” Another great oats quote has been birthed.

John and I are still racing to see who can get their weight down to 200 first. I’m at 212; he’s at 205. Ah hah! I have him right where I want him. Overconfidence will be his undoing. The story of the tortoise and the hare is about to be re-enacted in our lives.

Humor helps. The gate is still in place. Ruthie’s resolve seems unflappable in this case. I feel sorry for Jake and Millie. I fear they will slip into boredom. I should go play catch with them, but I recoil at the thought of picking up a slobbery, slimy tennis ball. For $10 I can buy a telescoping arm that will pick up tennis balls I might throw for them to fetch. It comes with mint flavored tennis balls to freshen Jake and Millie’s breath. I’ve never gotten close enough to know if their breath needs help or not, but a little freshener couldn’t hurt.