Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Snow and Worship

I’m experiencing an amazing thing. In a blizzard, hundreds of Missouri Baptists are continuing to attend the Evangelism Conference. All I can figure is, once they arrived in town, and checked into hotels, they couldn’t leave Springfield, and decided to attend the conference rather than sit in their rooms. The music is great, the preaching is heavenly. I’m to pinch hit for a preacher who can’t make it into town due to ice. I have a sermon ready to go. Have I mentioned I love to preach?

Caleb and Lilly Ruth are better today, but not completely out of the woods. Thanks for continuing to pray.

The weather is not going to dampen our missions weekend coming up. We will meet on Thursday night as planned and continue through Sunday morning.

Humor helps. A National Oats Month idea. For your children, make oatmeal clay: 1 cup oatmeal, half-cup flour, half-cup water. Children can mold the knobby (huh?) clay into shapes. Let the artwork dry, then it can be painted. (We could paint it to look like a banana split or a chocolate chip cookie. Maybe this would make oats more palatable.)