Sunday, January 18, 2009

One Excited Preacher

I’m ready to preach. I am excited. This morning I preach in Missouri on missions. Tonight in Arkansas I preach on missions. Does anyone know of a church in Oklahoma that would like to have a sermon preached this afternoon on missions?

As I was leaving home, John was running full speed on the treadmill downstairs. Did I ever run? I had to stop a moment to contemplate the thought. Yes, in fact I did at one time run. I actually set our high school record for the 600 yard run. I also did high hurdles in track. That was long long ago in a land far far away.

Each ticking of the clock brings us closer to our Global Impact Celebration, which begins next Sunday. Are you praying? Are you giving? Are you willing to go?

Humor helps. Double meaning headlines. Drunk gets nine months in violin case (close quarters). Iraqi head seeks arms (they would be helpful). British left waffles on Falkland Islands (I bet that was tasty).