Friday, April 17, 2009

Burger for Breakfast

I opened the refrigerator this morning to get milk for cereal. I saw a day-old 99 cent Wendy’s hamburger. Did you know a leftover hamburger, if microwaved for 30 seconds and consumed with a huge kosher dill pickle, tastes absolutely wonderful. Try it someday. I might start going through a drive-thru at night to pick up breakfast for the next morning.

The youth Fine Arts Recital here at church last night was wonderful. My grandson Caleb is one good cello player. And I’m not partial either.

My creative sermons team meets today over lunch. We will edit the manuscript I’m preparing for the Southern Baptist Convention annual sermon I’ll preach this June in Louisville KY. Pray for us.

Humor helps. I may buy Jake and Millie some toys to comfort them over their not being selected as the White House dog. For $4 I can buy Booda Squatters; these oblong stuffed squeak toys are the perfect size for tossing, chewing, and carrying. For $6 I could buy them Tennis Ball Tuggers, four long rope legs, one rope tail, worked through a tennis ball body. Fun for hours, the commercial says. Jake and Millie are a bit too lethargic to play with anything for one hour.