Thursday, April 16, 2009

Where is Sasquatch?

A group of us is gathering at church this morning to do history work. We will sift through four boxes of materials to find what we can about the first 33 years of our church’s history, 1885-1918. This is to help me find material on which to write a book about this era in honor of anniversary 125 next March.

My son is having trouble with the word for a 125th anniversary, quasquicentennial. He calls it “Sasquatch in Tennessee” just to aggravate me. He’ll be singing a different tune once I write the book and win the Pulitzer for historical literature. Never set your goals too low. That’s my philosophy.

The interview with Kevin and Karol Hawkins last night was a hoot. You can tell they feel at home here at Second. Let’s get the vote behind us and get on with life. I’m pumped.

Humor helps. Jet pilot thoughts on helicopters. If a helicopter begins to stall, you have one second before the craft becomes unrecoverable; if this maneuver fails, the copter flies about as well as a twenty-case Coke machine. Even a perfectly executed takeoff gives you the copter a glide ratio barely better than that of a brick.