Sunday, April 19, 2009

Cal and Cindi

Cal Thomas hit a grand slam last night at the Pregnancy Care Center banquet. He is a forceful, sane communicator. Few people have a better grasp of the cultural war we are in. Cindi Boston, PCC Director, received a much deserved standing ovation. She is one of the main players in the Christian community in Springfield.

Our people helped plant 1000 trees yesterday morning on the property where the home for adults with disabilities will be built. Since they finished the chore, soft rain has been falling off and on for 24 hours. I wonder if God alters the course of the weather to shine His smile on incidents like this. I’ll ask Him someday.

After preaching two intense sermons this morning, I am exhausted, but extremely fulfilled. I can tell you pray for me. I thank you from the deepest recesses of my heart. Ask the Lord to keep me faithful and true in the pulpit till my work is done.

Humor helps. American ingenuity. A zookeeper wanted some animals for his zoo, but did not know how to spell the plural of mongoose. He started out with, “I need two mongeese.” It didn’t look right, so he tried, “I need two mongooses.” That didn’t seem right either. He finally wrote, “I need a mongoose, and if you have another one, send it too.”