Friday, April 3, 2009

Extra Large Undershirts

Yesterday my son and I were folding laundry. I asked him how did we distinguish between his undershirts and mine. He said, “Mine are medium; yours are extra large.” Gee, wow, that hurt. The knife is still embedded in my chest.

I love time spent with college students. The group at the MSU BSU last night was wonderful. College students aren’t impressed with falderal, glitz, and glamor. My being Pastor of a large church didn’t intimidate them. Ties and cufflinks meant nothing to them. All they wanted was unadulterated truth. They cut through the fluff and got to the real stuff. They were hurling questions hot and fast at me about missions. I was firing right straight back. I loved it. Pray God will raise up missionaries out of that crowd. Billy Grady, you are doing a great job. Keep it up.

My father-in-law would have turned 91 today. I miss him. One of the most gregarious people I ever knew, he could talk to anyone anywhere on any subject.

Ruth and I plan to be at the Bellwether tonight for First Friday Artwalk. Come join us. I think you will find it worth the effort.

Within the hour, I hope to finish my Sunday morning sermon manuscript. Pray.