Saturday, April 11, 2009

A White House Dog

John, Amanda, Caleb, and Sam are in Ohio visiting her family. They did not take her dog. Have I forgotten to mention Amanda has a dog? Sophie is a Jack Russell Terrier. I’ve not met Sophie yet, but I do know this breed is what I commonly refer to as nervous dogs. It will be interesting to see how calm and serene Jake and Millie take to nervous Sophie, and vice versa. I’ll keep you posted.

Speaking of dogs, even the President of the United States is struggling with canine decisions. He promised his daughters a puppy. Since one of them suffers from allergies, choices are few. Whatever variety the First Family chooses will become a top seller overnight. Dog lovers hope they pick a pure breed. Half-breeds are often genetically weak, due to the unscrupulous practices of puppy mill owners. I’m not a dog lover, but I do believe all animals should be treated well. The Bible says, “A righteous man cares about his animal’s health” (PR 12:10a). The Obamas may spend over a thousand dollars for a dog. Rest assured, Jake, Millie, and Sophie are not for sale, at any price. I think.

My daughter, who is a great writer, has been bitten by the blog bug. If you want to learn more about my precious family, and are interested in crafts, check it out at Way to go, Rebekah.