Wednesday, April 1, 2009

A Good Wedding Day?

Happy April Fools Day. You know I’m not superstitious, but when I was a young preacher I knew a man who married on April 1. The marriage lasted less than a year, and he never looked twice at a woman again. I wonder if things would have turned out different had he married on April 2. Probably not.

An interesting Quasquicentennial tidbit. Second first met in the Frisco Opera House. Now, 125 years later, Second is starting a church in San Francisco. Frisco was an abbreviation for St. Louis/San Francisco Railway. Small world, isn’t it?

Today begins the second quarter of 2009. This morning I analyzed my Through the Bible reading guide. In January I read Psalms, Proverbs, and Matthew. In February/March, I read Genesis to Numbers, and I Corinthians to Philippians. Today I read in Mark. I begin each quarter by reading one of the Gospels.

Humor helps. A mother was concerned about her second-grade daughter who was walking home from school as a thunderstorm was forming. The mother went to meet her, and saw her stopping to smile each time lightning flashed. Mom asked, “Are you scared?” “No. All the way home, God’s been taking my picture!”