Thursday, April 9, 2009

Dog Baths

My daughter-in-law-to-be is rapidly endearing herself to our family. She is even impressing Jake and Millie. She intends to take them to the dog park soon to let them romp and play. She’s even going to take them in her car. Wow. There is one little hiccup, though. Since she intends to use her car, Amanda asked yesterday how long it had been since the dogs had had a bath. That’s a tough question. I hated to tell my adopted daughter how I feel about giving dogs a bath. It was a tough moment, but I think I finagled my way out of it quite well. Those dogs are going to be the death of me yet.

It’s baseball season again. Hurray for the Cardinals. I’m hoping for better things this year, but am saddened by the fact they lost two of their first three games. Oh well. I’m a diehard fan, especially of Albert Pujols. I appreciate his straightforward Christian testimony. His exploits on the diamond don’t hurt anything, either.

It’s Holy Thursday. Today we commemorate the Last Supper, Jesus washing the disciples’ feet, His agony in Gethsemane, and His betrayal by Judas Iscariot. Our Savior loved Judas to the end. The first word he said to Judas after the betrayal kiss was, “Friend.” Jesus is a loving Lord worth serving.